Sep 3, 2015

Poetry #1

So today's post is going to be a little different. Not many people know this, but I love to write poetry. So today I am sharing a poem with you guys, enjoy! :)

What About Her?
I am asked to rinse the dishes
         She left for her room
I took out the trash
        She watched TV
Why? I wondered
How come? I thought
What about her? I asked
Not fair! I reasoned
I went to school    
     She was out for a week
I served the guests
     She acted as if she were invited
Why? I wondered
How come? I thought
What about her? I asked
Not fair! I reasoned
The song I sang at least once a day. 
a nurse delivering the daily dosage 
Trying to answer the impossible
How come?
What about her? 
Not fair!
But the answers to the impossible
                                    are possible

When I am asked to rinse the dishes
                   She is finishing homework
When I took out the trash
                   She had a migraine
Why? her I wondered
How come she must endure? I thought
When I went to school
              She was getting surgery
When I served the guest
              She was learning how to socialize
I stopped asking
What about her?
And started asking
What can I do to help?

The message behind the poem can be interpreted many different ways, but overall our disabled siblings may get out of a few chores, but have to face much worse.


Wishes can come true

When I was 10 years old one of my wishes came true. My wish was to go on the Disney cruise I also wanted a horse but that didn't happen. One night some people came there from the Make A Wish they told me I can have 1 wish. They are such a great company. They paid for everything and even I got us a limo to ride in. They let us go on a train to get their and that was fun.

I had a blast on the cruise ship. My grandparents, aunts and uncles and one of my cousins all came. We went swimming, to the threader, and had dinner together every night. One night they had pirates night when people dressed like them and they watched a show. The cruise ship went to Saint Thomas,Saint Marten and Castaway Key. I loved the cruise it was so much fun. I've been on their 3 times and I'm going on again next summer.