Sep 19, 2015

Horror! the movies your siblings watch

Have you ever had your sibling watch a scary movie. Then she wants you to watch them. After that she wants you to read the book. Well than you came to the right place. In this blog I'm going to talk about just that. I have a sibling like that it's actually my twin sister Julia. She loves watching and reading the Hunger Games, Divergent and things like that. I know that kids in my grade do read and watch those stuff too.

I personally don't like them at all. I don't like any movie that is scary or has blood in it. You know stuff like that. I stick with Disney and animated movies. Anyways my sister goes crazy when a new movie comes out. My uncle and sister and sometimes my brother go to the movie theater and watch them. The Hunger games always come out on are birthday. Divergent comes out on my uncles birthday. 

If you guys have this problem with you siblings. I know what you guys can do. You can try to ignore it that's mostly what I do. I don't really care about what she watches. If she wants me to watch I tell her I don't want to. So that's one of the things that I have to live with. 

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